Electronic digest
Electronic digest launched by Т-34 Tank History Museum is dedicated to the topical issues related to the creation, modernization and operational use of Т-34 Soviet medium tank. The digest is published in Russian in PDF.
Tenth issue of the digest contains the following articles dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory of World War II:
– Victor Rassokhin and Sergei Rassokhin, fragment of the monograph «The Victorious Death»;
– Andrey Karpov, «Breakthrough from the Uman environment of the Chief of Headquarters of the 6th Army of Combrig N. Ivanov (last BT-7M tank from 53rd Tank Regiment).
In response to numerous requests the Museum reissues it in electronic format:
Ninth issue of the digest describes the results of Т-34 testing at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in the US in 1943. A brochure dedicated to that testing was prepared and published in 2008 by the Museum’s research staff. The print run of the brochure has been sold out. In response to numerous requests the Museum reissues it in electronic format:
A brochure named «Last Defense Line. Half a Step to Moscow” was prepared and published by the researchers of T-34 Tank History Museum in 2011 in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow. Unfortunately, the Museum is now out of all paper copies of the brochure. In response to numerous requests to have the brochure published in electronic form the Museum repeats its publication on this website.
Seventh issue of the digest contains the following articles dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow:
– I. Zheltov, Role of Т-34 tank in the Battle of Moscow;
– А. Tibo, V. Gorbunov, 31st Tank Brigade in action in the Battle of Moscow;
– А. Dzubenko, 55th (6th) Detached Armored Train Battalion in action in the Battle of Moscow (Lobnya Line, 1941)
Articles on the following subjects are published in “Armor of the Motherland” Section of the digest:
– memoirs of I. Safronov, Major General of the Guards dedicated to the establishment of the Soviet armored forces;
– establishment of the Soviet armored forces in the destiny of Colonel I. Gerasimov.
Sixth issue of the digest is dedicated to “Т-34 Tank – The Principle Character of the Professional Holiday of Tankmen and Tank Builders” Academic and Historical Conference held in Т-34 Tank History Museum in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of “Tankmen Day” in the Soviet Union.
Fifth issue of the documentary historical digest of T-34 Tank History Digest is dedicated to the baptism of fire of the first T-34-85 tanks in March 1944. These tanks made part of 25th Detached Tank Regiment. The issue dwells upon many a disputed issue related to Т-34-85 tank armed with D-5 gun.
The fourth issue of the digest is dedicated to the history of the creation of two A-34 tanks that were the prototypes of T-34, and is in fact a compilation of the documents found in the Russian State Military Archive and theCentral Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
The objective of the issue is to generate the base of reliable information sources for researchers so that they could use the archive documents related to this subject matter that have never been published before. The issue contains the documents drawn up in the period between August 1939 and August 1941 by the Army Tank-Automation Command of the Red Army, as well as by the People’s Commissariats (Ministries) that participated in the designing and production of the prototypes of T-34 tank.
Documents for the issue were compiled by the Museum’s staff members – Igor Zheltov, Deputy Director, who is in charge of scientific research, and Alexei Makarov, Researcher.
The following articles are published in the third issue of the digest:
– V. Gorbunov, А. Potapov. 18th Tank Brigade in the Battle for Moscow. October 1941 – March 1942.
– War and Tanks of Alexander Polozhenkov.
– As Witnessed by Documents:
Report on the Operations of 5th Guards Tank Army in the period from 7 to 24 July 1943
– Old Publications:
А. Ryazansky. Prokhorovka, July of 1943… Article published in Military Herald Magazine № 6, 1973.
The following articles are published in the second issue of the digest:
— “110th Anniversary of V.A. Malyshev, People’s Commissar of the USSR Tank Industry”
— “Basic Weapons of the First T-34s (from L-10 Gun to F-34 Gun)” by I. Zheltov and А. Makarov.
— “As Witnessed by Documents”:
How to Fight Against Soviet Heavy Tanks (8th Tank Division, 01.10.1941). Translated from German;
Memorandum report on the review of the instruction booklet on fighting against Russian tanks;
Report on the visits to German plants made in 1939 by specialists from the Main Tank and Automotive Command of the Red Army.
“Old Publications” – articles reprinted from Magazine of the Armored Forces № 1, 1942: I. Kaduchenko, Hero of the Soviet Union;
Use of Armored Troops by the Germans and Fighting Against Them;
Soft Spots of German 38-Т Tank.
The following articles are published in the first issue of the digest:
– “Tank with an Exciting History” by I. Zheltov and А. Tibo. History of the Т-34 tank released in June 1942 in Nizhny Tagil under number 600-25. This tank took part in the battles in the formations headed by M. Katukov, A. Kravchenko and I. Boyko. In the post-war years it was used in the experiments carried out by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). Now it stands on the main pedestal of Т-34 Tank History Museum.
– “As Witnessed by Documents” – compilation of the following documents: Decree of the State Defense Committee on the Plan for the Production of Т-34 Tanks and V-2 Diesel Engines in Second Quarter of 1942; Notice on the Dispatch of Т-34 Tank under № 600-25; Character Report on I.N. Boyko, Commander of 2nd Tank Battalion of 1st Guards Tank Brigade; abstract from the Directive on the Shortcomings in the Activities of Armored Troops (Bryansk Front, 1942); Order on the Monetary Reward for the Soldiers and Commanders of the Repair Units of 1st Guards Tank Brigade (1942).
– “Design of Т-34 Tanks Made by Works № 183 in June 1942” by I. Zheltov and А. Makarov.
– “Old Publications” – article reprinted from Magazine of the Armored Forces № 2, 1942: Soft Spots of German Т-III Tank; Soft Spots of German Т-IV Tank.